Choose a Trusted Partner
With decades of experience in event security and radiation detection, Mirion products have a proven track record of quickly and accurately identifying threats. From small, discreet devices that can be worn on a belt, to backpacks to pillars, our entire suite of products is designed to work together to offer you a package of integrated solutions. Mirion radiation sensors can be placed in the field, operated remotely, and connected to a secure network, meaning you don’t have to deploy as many on-site team members to work and monitor them.

Invest in Easier Implementation
Mirion radiation sensors can be placed in the field, operated remotely and connected to a secure network, meaning you don’t have to deploy as many on-site team members to work and monitor them.
Reduce Cost of Ownership
Our proactive solutions not only feature a long battery and product life, they often can be employed in multiple ways. For example, the SPIR-Pack™ system can be worn by team members as they do a pre-event screening of the site and then can be placed around the site for real-time monitoring as the event occurs.

Mirion Technologies Detection & Identification Products Featured at Major Racing Event
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