Mirion Technologies Dosimetry Services Division continues to be a trusted provider of industry-leading dosimetry solutions and services to a wide range of industries.
For more than 40 years we have been providing radiation monitoring products (x-ray badges) of unmatched effectiveness and true cost-savings to make sure your work environment is free from the damaging effects of radiation. Fully accredited through several leading standards and certification organizations such as NVLAP (Lab Code 100555-0), DOELAP, Canada's CNSC, and the UK's Health and Safety Executive, we understand your compliance needs and requirements.
Our monitoring services can be configured to meet your organizational, local, state, and federal requirements. We recognize that monitoring programs often require multiple badge types and monitoring periods and we offer a wide array of dosimeters from the traditional thermoluminescent (TLD), to the revolutionary Instadose™ dosimeters. Transforming the way facilities manage their radiation monitoring programs, Instadose dosimeters help increase compliance and lower radiation exposure risk for employees. From dose reads captured by smart phones, tablets, or internet enabled computers to on-demand dose data and online reports, we help you save time, pinpoint exposures and mitigate exposure risks with ease.
Our robust online account management programs are among the best in the industry for ease of account maintenance and accessing a variety of radiation reports. From Form 5, to ALARA exposure, our comprehensive radiation exposure reports help you comply with national and state regulations, and inspections or audits involving radiation exposure.
With Mirion behind your radiation monitoring program you have access to:
- The broadest array of dosimetry product choices for measuring ionizing radiation exposure
- Secure online account maintenance programs
- A team of industry and technical experts with years of demonstrated expertise in dosimetry committed to customer satisfaction
Contact us today and discover why Mirion is your trusted source for comprehensive radiation monitoring programs.