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AutoScan™ Option

2252 autoscan 001

Converts any FASTSCAN™ Whole Body Counting System into a self-service WBC system.

Tag Features

  • Adds automatic self-service operation to any FASTSCAN Whole Body Counting (WBC) System
  • As easy to use as simple gross counting monitors, BUT ALSO:
    • Provides the low MDAs of spectroscopic WBC systems, and
    • Gives the full legal and regulatory protection of a gamma spectroscopy record
  • Makes a FASTSCAN system as easy to use as your bank's ATM:
    • Card Reader and Keypad for Subject ID input
    • Occupancy Sensor for the FASTSCAN counter
  • Occupancy Sensor for the FASTSCAN counter
  • Alphanumeric Display to guide the subject through the count
  • Saves time and money by providing a 24 hour WBC capability without the need for a full time operator
  • Compatible with totally remote system management


The Model 2252 AutoScan Option converts any FASTSCAN Whole Body Counting System into a self-service WBC system that's as easy to use as your local bank's ATM. And just like an ATM does for your bank, the Model 2252 system gives you:

  • 24 hour unattended operation.
  • Simple card reader and push-button control.
  • Remote monitoring and management capability.

The net result is both improved service and reduced operating costs, and without sacrificing the quality and low MDAs of full spectroscopic Whole Body Counting. For most installations, the payback on installing a Model 2252 unit is less than a year, making it one of the most cost-effective investments you can make in your personnel dosimetry program.

Using the Model 2252 System

Unattended self-service operation on a 24 hour per day basis is literally what the Model 2252 system provides. A subject walks up to a FASTSCAN unit equipped with the Model 2252 system, pushes the Ready button, and runs his or her ID card through the reader. After confirming the ID is valid, the system instructs the subject to enter the counter.

Once the occupancy sensor detects that the subject is in position, the count is started and a message displayed to let your subject know that he or she is not to leave the chamber until the count is completed. The occupancy sensor continues monitoring the subject throughout count, and an alarm will be reported if the subject leaves the chamber before the count is finished.

The assay is completed in a minute or so, the results stored in the system's database, and a new message displayed.

Depending upon the results of the count (Normal, Exceeds an Action Required level, or Exceeds an Alarm level) and your installation's preferences, this can be anything from "See you tomorrow" to "Please take another shower" or "Please call the HP Office".

That's all there is to it. In a matter of a minute or so per subject, a FASTSCAN system with a Model 2252 unit yields the benefits of a true spectroscopic in vivo assay with the cost-savings of an automatic unattended system.

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