2252 AutoScan™ Option
Converts any FASTSCAN™ Whole Body Counting System into a self-service WBC system.
Converts any FASTSCAN™ Whole Body Counting System into a self-service WBC system.
FASTSCAN™ High-Throughput Whole Body Counter
The FASTSCAN system uses large area sodium iodide detectors and Apex-InVivo™ and Genie™ software to achieve low minimum detectable activities with count times as fast as one minute.
The Mirion FASTSCAN whole body counter is designed to quickly and accurately monitor people for internal contamination of radionuclides with energies between 300 keV to 1.8 MeV. The FASTSCAN system uses large area sodium iodide detectors and the Mirion Apex-InVivo and Genie software to achieve low minimum detectable activities with count times as fast as one minute. It is intended for use in power plants and other facilities where the possible contamination spectra are well known and uncomplicated.
The system is as easy to use as today's digital cameras. The operator simply positions the person to be counted inside the shield and in front of the detectors, and then begins the count with the software. The software starts the count, completes the count, stores the data, displays the spectral data, performs the analysis and prints the report. The best part is that this system will be ready for operation as soon as the installation is completed.
The FASTSCAN system includes two large sodium iodide detectors (NaI(Tl)) 7.6 x 12.7 x 40.6 cm (3 x 5 x 16 in.) that typically provide a priori Lower Limit of Detection of approximately 150 Bq (4 nCi) for 60Co with a count time of one minute for a normal person containing 40K. The FASTSCAN system's dual detector design provides uniform or flat (±15%) response along the longitudinal axis from the thyroid of the tallest 99th percentile male to the lower gastrointestinal tract of the shortest female.
The FASTSCAN unit uses a shadow shield to minimize spectral background interference. This type of shield provides an optimal trade-off between shield size, weight and cost with background reduction for environments with slightly elevated background. The shield is constructed of 10 cm (4 in.) thick low background steel (2 in. in a few less critical areas).
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