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S573 002
ISOCS/LabSOCS Detector Characterization


Calibration Software

The ISOCS (In Situ Object Counting System) Calibration Software brings a new level of capabilities to gamma sample assay by eliminating the need for traditional calibration sources during the efficiency calibration process.

Tag Features

  • Eliminates the cost of purchasing, tracking, and disposing of radioactive standards
  • No radioactive sources needed for accurate efficiency calibrations
  • New: Calibrations valid from 10 to 7000 keV
  • New: 3D visualization speeds geometry creation and error identification
  • New: Uncertainty Estimator and Assay Planning tool
  • New: Advanced Collimator designs include liners and back shielding
  • Calibrations valid from detector face out to 500 meters
  • Operates with Germanium, NaI and LaBr3 detectors characterized by Mirion
  • Includes 21 geometry templates for common container shapes and sample distributions
  • Calibrations accurate at any angle from detector, not just on center line
  • Ideal for In Situ applications, where large and various sample types are often encountered
  • Sample size can be point-like, or up to 500 meters in size
  • Includes library of common absorber materials and tools to create new material types
  • Custom templates can be provided to meet special application needs
  • Multi-Efficiency program allows creation of compound efficiencies for multiple detectors, multiple locations or multiple sources
  • Geometry Composer Report summarizing all information defined for a given geometry can be displayed and printed
  • Compliant with 2009 NRC Regulatory Guide 1.21


The ISOCS (In Situ Object Counting System) Calibration Software brings a new level of capabilities to gamma sample assay by eliminating the need for traditional calibration sources during the efficiency calibration process. By combining the detector characterization produced by the MCNP modeling code, mathematical geometry templates, and a few physical sample parameters, the ISOCS Calibration Software gives you the ability to produce accurate qualitative and quantitative gamma assays of most any sample type and size (Figure 1).

In addition to saving money by eliminating the need to purchase, track, and dispose of many calibration sources, ISOCS calibration also saves time in the field. Instead of hours spent in traditional source preparation and long calibration counts, an ISOCS calibration for a new geometry requires only a few seconds of computer calculations. With the ISOCS software you have the flexibility to design your setup, define your geometries, and analyze data in the office; reducing actual time in the field to the system setup and sampling time, no matter how many different geometries you're measuring. And now this capability is available for LaBr3 and NaI scintillators too.

The secret to this capability is twofold:

  1. The energy/efficiency/spatial response profile of the detector has been characterized by Mirion with the well-known MCNP Monte Carlo modeling code.
  2. Mathematical templates have been created for most of the sample geometries that will be encountered – planar surfaces, rectangular boxes, barrels, pipes, beakers, etc.

To a basic geometry template, add the specifics for a given sample – its size, density, distance from the detector, etc. – and at the click of a button the ISOCS Calibration Software generates a custom efficiency calibration specifically tailored for that detector, sample, and geometry. The remainder of this document will describe how this is done and how the various standard geometry templates are used.

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ISOCS™ / LabSOCS™ Calibration Methodology

Proven. Accepted. Smart. 

ISOCS and LabSOCS technology has been used in many diverse applications and thousands of systems.

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Delve Deeper: Advanced Gamma Spectroscopy Solutions

Enhance your operational efficiency with Mirion's gamma spectroscopy solutions, grounded in deep expertise and continuously enhanced through investments in research and development.

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Advanced Software Solutions for Modern Gamma Spectroscopy

Tap into a forward-thinking, secure gamma spectroscopy program. Learn how Mirion integrates Genie™, Apex®, and ISOCS™ software with its devices to boost both efficiency and security.

Do you have a question or need a custom solution? We're here to help guide your research.

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