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β ionix™

Mirion Technologies Logo RGB

Portable Tritium Monitor

B ionix 001 1

The portable β ionix monitor is intended for real-time tritium activity monitoring and other beta emitters in ambient air.

Tag Features

  • High performance
    • Continuous measurement
    • Tritium detection from 12.5 kBq/m3
    • Response time under 60 seconds
  • Simple
    • Easy maintenance
    • User-friendly interface
    • Easy and quick to set up
  • Reliable
    • Precise and stable
    • Performance validated by the CTHIR laboratory
  • Easy to use
    • Light and robust
    • Color touch screen, graphical display


The portable β ionix monitor is intended for continuous tritium activity monitoring and other beta emitters in ambient air.

Thanks to its very high sensitivity, its user friendliness and its reliability, the β ionix portable monitor ensures the radioprotection of your teams, on dismantling and construction jobs, process controls, premises monitoring, etc.

Ready for use, the portable monitor offers the most advanced features, such as: graphical plotting, archiving of data, remote display of alarms, or data extraction via a USB stick.

The β ionix portable monitor can be found in two versions:

  • A simple measurement with a single ionization chamber of 660 cc
  • A real time gamma compensated version with two ionization chambers of 300 cc

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