The RDS-30 is a Digital Handheld Dose Rate Meter designed for a wide range of applications involving a possibility for abnormal radiation levels. Compact, lightweight, waterproof, its performance and its friendly user interface make the RDS-30 perfectly suited to radiation survey in field conditions, in nuclear industry and for protection against radiological hazards by personnel, who may be exposed to gamma and/or X-ray radiation in their work.
RDS-30 is microprocessor controlled. The user interface consists of one push button and an easy- to-use menu structure that displays information on the LCD of the meter. The six-digit display shows the dose rate and various messages. Different alarm situations are indicated by a combination of audio-visual effects on the LCD and a buzzer (dose rate , dose, low battery, defect, dose rate overflow).
RDS-30 provides user configurable (with RDS-CSW SW) list of alarm levels for dose and dose rate. Fixed or multilevel alarm options. It is possible to store dose rate values into the histogram memory for later analysis of the readings.
The use of a RDS-CSW software is required for
downloading the data into a PC via IrDA port.