Mirion’s SPIR-Pack backpack is ideal for all applications requiring the efficient detection and identification of radiological and nuclear threats. These applications provide the protection for large public events, as well as readiness for radiological/nuclear interdiction.
The SPIR-Pack backpack is lightweight, comfortable to carry, and durable, with a long battery life for extended field operations. The SPIR-Pack system includes sensitive detectors that connect to a smartphone. It will only alarm in the presence of radioactive sources (not on background variations), so the smartphone can stay in the user’s pocket (or other carrying accessory) until a vibration and/or audible alarm indicates the presence of a source. The multifunctional smartphone app provides dose rate, nuclide identification and an innovative radar screen to indicate the direction of radioactive sources. Users also appreciate that the SPIR-Pack system uses the same app as the SPIR-Ace RIID, which greatly simplifies training time and makes it easier for users to manage both instruments.
The SPIR-Pack backpack provides outstanding radiation mapping capabilities. A group of SPIR-Pack units (and other instruments in the SPIR family) can be remotely monitored using the SpirVIEW Mobile supervision software for complete situational awareness.