Dose Calibrator Syringe Reference Sources
Designed for imaging facilities that obtain their radio-pharmaceuticals in unit dose syringes.
Designed for imaging facilities that obtain their radio-pharmaceuticals in unit dose syringes.
This source contains Co-57 in a ceramic matrix at the end of a 9.26″ (23.5 mm) anodized aluminum rod.
The Pen Point Marker Source contains Co-57 in a ceramic matrix at the end of a 9.26″ (23.5 mm) anodized aluminum rod. The pen-shaped rod screws into a brass cap which shields the active point. The Pen Point Marker Source is used in tracing the outlines of anatomical features on a patient. The trace appears almost instantly on the camera display. Contained activity is supplied as a nominal value ±15%.
063-700 | Marker Source, Pen Point, 100 µCi |
063-701 | Marker Source, Pen Point, 200 µCi |
A photocopy of your NRC or Agreement State License must accompany orders for radioactive sources and must
clearly indicate your authority to possess the source being ordered.
Not available for export.
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