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Comprehensive, Flexible Training Programs

Enhance your expertise in radiation detection and measurement with tailored training solutions from Mirion Technologies. Whether new to the field or looking to deepen your skillset, our programs are designed to fit your learning style and professional needs.
Services training presentation

Targeted, Immersive Training for Diverse Audiences

Mirion offers 100+ training classes each year. Choose from in-person sessions at Mirion facilities, on-site training at your location, virtual classrooms, or self-paced e-learning. Available in multiple languages, our courses blend lectures, practical exercises, and interactive sessions to provide a thorough understanding of radiation detection and measurement principles targeted to your specific application.

Flexible training icons

Leverage our course tracks to onboard new employees or advance knowledge of employees looking to expand their expertise. Test your team’s knowledge with proficiency exams and monitor advancement through our progress tracking.

Expert Instruction: Learn from the best. Our instructors are seasoned experts in their fields, ready to guide you through each course with clarity and enthusiasm.

Interactive Sessions: Gain hands-on experience with software and instruments installed and configured with realistic data in a risk-free learning environment.

Join us to advance your career, and strengthen your team’s knowledge, with Mirion's expertly designed training programs, where practical knowledge meets advanced technology.

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Expert instruction services training presentation

Nuclear Power Plant Professional Training

Nuclear power plant workers services training

We offer comprehensive training tracks for Nuclear Power Plant professionals to enhance the skills and knowledge of individuals working in the critical areas of radiochemistry, health physics/radiation safety, and radiation monitoring.

Health Physics/Radiation Safety Training

  • Focuses on principles and practices for radiation hazard protection.
  • Covers dosimetry, radiation protection standards, and emergency response protocols.
  • Empowers participants to maintain safe working environments.

Radiation Monitoring Training

  • Hands-on experience with advanced radiation monitoring systems (RAMSYS, CAMSYS).
  • Teaches deployment, operation, and maintenance for accurate radiation measurements.
  • Crucial for safe nuclear facility operations.

Training for Nuclear, Radiological, and Particle Physics Research

Mirion Technologies provides targeted training courses for researchers in Nuclear, Radiological, and Particle Physics. These courses deliver comprehensive insights into radiation detection principles and gamma-ray spectrometry, vital for radiation detection and analysis. They aim to enhance researchers' understanding and proficiency in radiation measurement and analysis and extend to in-depth understanding of how to operate Mirion equipment and software, tailored specifically for professionals in these advanced fields.

Person at microscope bright

1-2 Day Emergency Response & Defense Training

Emergency response demo services training

Mirion offers a variety of training courses specifically designed for professionals in Emergency Response, Forensics, and Defense.

These courses can be covered in 1-2 days, minimizing out-of-field time for your staff.

Find courses for public safety and defense professionals.

Special Nuclear Materials First Response

  • Covers characteristics, detection, handling, and origins of Special Nuclear Material (SNM)
  • Addresses challenges, radiological, chemical, and toxicity concerns

Basic & Advanced Radiation Fundamentals First Response Courses

  • Introductory course on radiation basics, components, types, sources, and risks
  • Advanced course builds on the basic course, covering radioactive materials, search techniques, choke points, and transportation
  • Includes practical, hand-on training with detectors, common radiation sources and exercises

AccuRad™ Personal Radiation Detector First Response

  • Focuses on using the AccuRad PRD for emergency responders.
  • Covers deployment, field tactics, and integration with mobile apps and software.

Radioisotope Producer Training

Mirion Technologies offers specialized training for radioisotope producers, focusing on spectroscopy and scientific analysis. Courses like "Interpretation of Gamma Spectroscopy Results" enhance data analysis skills. Participants learn to optimize gamma nuclide libraries, reduce unidentified peaks, and defend activity calculations using software solutions such as Apex-Guard™ software. Training includes lab exercises with simulators and spectra, reinforced by Genie™ software algorithms for accurate analysis and reporting.

People researching at computer services training
Woman working on laptop outside services training

Mirion Technologies Community

Did you know Mirion Technologies has a customer portal where you can find resources like technical papers, instructions for use, and knowledge articles? You can also pose questions to other users. Follow current and past support cases here, and access electronic licensing for software.

Contact us today to get started

Mirion connect conference services training

Connect with Colleagues

Join our user’s meetings to engage with the latest technologies, enhance your skills through hands-on training and breakout sessions, and participate in accredited programs and industry forums. Network, share insights, and connect directly with decision-makers in an enriching and spirited environment. We host an annual Mirion Connect users meeting in the U.S. as well as additional regional meetings globally.

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