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A most important criterion when purchasing electronic measuring devices is the quality and availability of technical support and accompanying service. Training, professionally prepared and carried out, is an essential part of this service. They help the new user to reduce the training time by providing an overview of the functions and operation of a system or software and thus lead to a better understanding of the system function. They enable the experienced user to stay up to date with the latest technology and to experience innovations in an efficient manner at first hand.
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Mirion Technologies (Canberra) GmbH strives to offer you a training program that is tailored to your needs and brings the greatest possible benefit to you, because training courses are not intended to be sales events.

Course Overview

The courses listed below are held in our office in Rüsselsheim, Stahlstraße 42-44 or in a nearby hotel:

Please contact us if you cannot find a specific course.

Participation in these courses is confirmed with a certificate.

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To register, please use the form attached to the training catalog or contact [email protected].

On-Site Training

In addition to this training program, we also offer you the option of individual training courses at your location. You help determine the course content. Upon request, any hardware required for this can also be provided. Please request a special offer - stating the desired course content, course duration and number of participants.

Please note our registration conditions. We will be happy to help you reserve your room. For further information, please call 06142 – 7382 111 (Ms. Delibas). We would be happy to welcome you to one of our courses soon.

Please note our registration conditions. We will be happy to help you reserve your room. For further information, please call 06142 – 7382 111 (Ms. Delibas). We would be happy to welcome you to one of our courses soon.


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