Advanced Software Solutions for Modern Gamma Spectroscopy
Tap into a forward-thinking, secure gamma spectroscopy program. Learn how Mirion integrates Genie™, Apex®, and ISOCS™ software with its devices to boost both efficiency and security.
With the new Genie 4.0 software, we have built upon nearly 40 years of experience supporting the comprehensive spectroscopy needs of customers in 90+ countries worldwide.
We are pleased to introduce significant new enhancements across the platform, while maintaining compatibility with existing users’ Genie 2000 processes.
Genie 4.0 software offers a fresh and convenient new way to interact with measurement data, leading to streamlined decision making.
Relevant for high precision measurement when a multi-line calibration source is used, Genie 4.0 software provides a new treatment for uncertainty propagation. Users now can identify correlations from their calibration standard, leading to more rigorously accurate results.
By request from globally recognized experts, Genie software now includes a new function that has been shown to more accurately model observed resolution as a function of energy for semiconductor detectors, including HPGe. Greater accuracy can improve the effectiveness of the peak locate algorithm at particularly high or low energies and – in some scenarios – can drive a more accurate MDA.
Incorporate Python scripting directly into your analysis sequence file to improve automation of tasks, perform custom calculations, or seamlessly transfer data or results to another application.
Genie 4.0 software now supports reading of N42 files, enabling advanced spectral review of data collected from common RIIDs and supervisory systems.
The Genie 4.0 Spectroscopy Software Suite now includes the Quality Assurance utility, the Interactive Peak Fit feature, and Genie-FieldPro™ simplified sample counting software in all standard licenses. In addition, the release includes support for the Aegis™ Portable HPGe Spectrometer, additional nuclides in the Cascade summing correction library, various bug fixes, and other maintenance improvements.
Include Activity Calculations, MDA Results, QA/QC, Interactive Peak Fit, Genie-FieldPro™ software, and more.
Provide an acquisition-only solution for users who do not need activity calculations.
ISOCS™/LabSOCS™ Mathematical Efficiency Calibration Software
Choose your model, then choose your license:
Predictable annual pricing ideal for Operational Expense (OpEx) budgeting.
Locked-in pricing for subscription duration, with no need for annual repurchase.
Upfront purchase option for those unsure about a subscription.
Continuous updates. Premium Local Service Offerings. Lower upfront costs. Predictable budgeting.
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