Series 6LB™ Automatic Alpha/Beta Counter
MIRION TECHNOLOGIES has released its latest generation of low background automatic alpha/beta counters – the series 6lb system

The Series 6LB counter includes many exciting new features while maintaining the reliability and ruggedness of the industry icon Series 5 XLB™ system:
• 2.25” Gas-Flow Proportional Counter
• NEW! 50 or 100 sample “lock and load” stacks standard
• NEW! Interchangeable 50 & 100 sample “lock and load” stack sets available to change system capacity or to load before locking in place on the system for counting
• NEW! Complete front access with no need to lift lead bricks to access the detector – changer slides away from lead shield

• NEW! Integrated touch screen display for information and control, as well as operation via Apex-Alpha/Beta™ software V2.1 or greater

• NEW! Gasless anti-coincidence cosmic guard detector to save P-10 counting gas
• NEW! Integrated self-diagnostics including environmental monitoring for temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure
• Barcode reader offering NEW! sample camera
• IMPROVED! Automatic gas conservation system
• Fully CE and RoHS compliant
These are just a few of the reasons why the Series 6LB System is the most advanced Automatic Alpha/Beta Counter on the market.