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ProSpect TLIST Data Scanner

This application is designed to be used with Canberra's ProSpect Gamma Spectroscopy Software and is utilized in Experiments 9 and 10 of the Nuclear Science Experiments with Digital Electronics. The ProSpect TLIST Data Scanner is a customized & lightweight Adobe AIR application that reads and interprets ProSpect TLIST *.AVA data files to perform the following tasks:

  • Allows adjustment of TLIST data file energy calibration to correlate in energy two or more data acquisitions.
  • For any two TLIST Data acquisitions, graphs a histogram of the time difference observed for the coincident events.
  • For any two TLIST data acquisitions, graphs coincident events by plotting the energy of the Detector 1 event versus energy of the Detector 2 event.

Follow the directions below to obtain and install the ProSpect TLIST Data Scanner:

  1. Click here to download the ProSpect TLIST Data Scanner zip file (27 MB) to your local directory.
  2. Unzip the folder by right clicking on the folder and selecting Extract All…
  3. Double click tListDataScanner.air to install the application.
  4. The application can then be run directly from your desktop by selecting tlistDataScaner.exe

Please note that it is assumed that Java Runtime Environment and Adobe Air framework are already installed on the computer. These are available as part of the ProSpect software installation.

The download folder also contains a brief user's instruction guide as well as two demo spectral files to help get you started. Please review this for some useful tips.

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