Decontamination, Decommissioning & Waste Management Project Examples
Revolutionizing Nuclear Waste Management with LINAS Scanning Facility
Mirion’s contributions to the DOE’s groundbreaking project helped enhance safety and efficiency in decontamination and decommissioning efforts.

Image courtesy of the U.S. Department of Energy – originally published on

Image courtesy of the U.S. Department of Energy – originally published on
Refurbished Equipment Enhances Nuclear Waste Certification Efforts
Mirion worked with the DOE to upgrade their Super HENC and a Large Box Counter, enhancing the efficiency of the transuranic waste certification process, as well as achieving time and cost savings.
Unlocking the Potential of AEGIS™ and FOM at Los Alamos National Laboratory
A recent cutting-edge integration featuring Mirion AEGIS™ detectors and ISOCS™ Figure of Merit (FOM) improved waste characterization capabilities, specifically non-standard items, to support the DOE’s cleanup mission at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Revolutionizing Plutonium Characterization: High Efficiency Neutron Counters Successfully Deployed and Calibrated at Savannah River Nuclear Site
Mirion deployed two High Efficiency Neutron Counters (HENCs) to characterize downblended plutonium in Criticality-Control Overpacks (CCOs) at the DOE’s Savannah River Site, resulting in the successful characterization of approximately 1200 CCOs, along with other efficiency and safety enhancements.
Using X-Rays in Waste Drums: A New Approach to Improve Accuracy and Reduce Uncertainty
Mirion completed research, designed for waste management operators, on integrating X-Ray CT data with SuperISOCS modeling to enhance the accuracy of gamma spectroscopy for waste drums, particularly 200-liter drums. This integration reduces measurement biases and uncertainties, leading to more reliable waste characterization and cost savings.

Upgrading the Gamma Box Measurement System at Y-12 National Security Complex
Mirion successfully performed a major modernization of the gamma Box Measurement System (BMS) and Transmission Measurement System (TMS) at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, by integrating advanced hardware and software, including HPGe detectors, digital MCA's, and NDA2000 software. This upgrade eliminated obsolete components, reduced the system's footprint, and increased production throughput by 226%, meeting all performance criteria and enhancing detection capabilities.