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Connect & Measure with Canberra Smart Probes (CSP)

Portable radiation detection and measurement relies on robust, accurate and variable tools across different uses. The Mirion CSP product family offers broad integration and operability options, while maintaining high accuracy and robustness for everyday user needs.

Introducing CSPevo™ with LightLink™ Technology

Connect & Measure...

The new CSPevo family, powered by LightLink technology, combines interchangeable modules, handles and survey meters for flexible user experience and efficiency.

A lightweight, ergonomic design minimizes user fatigue and facilitates one-handed operation — ideal for frisking and contamination assessment.

Cspevo teaser

The Next Evolution in Portable Radiation Detection & Measurement

Optimized for always-ready use, the CSPevo family ensures reliable performance and seamless integration across diverse radioprotection environments.

Advanced Light Collection
Powered by LightLink™ technology

Over 85%
Detection homogeneity

System Compatibility
Supports enhanced versatility

Ergonomic, Lightweight
For ease-of use

The AB-100™ Detection Module for Detecting Alpha & Beta Emitters

The AB-100 smart detection module, the first of the CSPEvo product line, enables reliable frisking and smear counting. Its lightweight, ergonomic design reduces user fatigue and enhances ease of use, making it ideal for radiation protection teams and system integrators.

Ab 100 product image

Key AB-100 Module Benefits

  • LightLink Technology: Enhances light collection and robustness and reduces risk of breakage
  • Detection Homogeneity: Over 80% detection homogeneity ensures reliable and consistent results
  • USB-C Compatibility: Facilitates connectivity with third-party systems and calibration software
  • Improved Ergonomics: Lightweight and comfortable design for prolonged use without discomfort
  • Broad Integration Options: Flexible integration with legacy CSP meters and RDS-32 survey meter
  • One-Handed Operation Capability: For seamless functionality when the other hand is occupied and/or in challenging environments

Enhanced Versatility, Handle Flexibility

The AB-100 module is compatible with different handles and can be connected to various host instruments for different applications including self-frisking and on-site surveys.

CSPevo_Handles Connection

Key Benefits of LightLink Technology

  • Easy to handle: engineered with improved ergonomics
  • Robust: Silicon Photomultipliers inside mean fewer possibilities of breakage
  • Extended in-use time and device operational lifespan: Lower power requirements and lack of high-voltage components
  • Minimized downtime, easier servicing: Designed to avoid light decay—devices with LightLink technology have much less downtime are ready for use promptly after maintenance.
  • Hyper-accurate and sensitive: superior light collection efficiency

Compatible Dose-Rate and Survey Meters

Rds 32 cspevo

RDS-32™ Radiation Survey Meters

The RDS-32 Survey Meters are small handheld, battery operated radiation survey instruments offering versatility and durability suited for a wide range of applications.

Avior 2 cspevo

AVIOR®-2 Dose Rate or Survey Meter

The AVIOR-2 unit is a versatile alarm desktop, portable or wall-mounted dose rate and survey meter for contamination control and dose-rate assessment.

Efficient & Flexible Handheld Radiation Monitoring

The Mirion CSP™ (Canberra Smart Probes) family offers a versatile and efficient approach to radiation monitoring. A comprehensive range of fully integrated, self-contained probes include all necessary measurement components and can be hot-plugged to any Mirion survey meter without recalibration — maximizing uptime and minimizing setup time.

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A Family of Smart Solutions for Versatile Field Uses

From on-site technicians to highly knowledgeable health physicists, Mirion CSP probes empower users at all levels with handheld instruments tailored for specific applications like measuring dose rate, surveying for radiation, contamination monitoring, and sample counting.

These instruments can be used as handheld, semi-fixed, or fixed devices, enhancing usability and efficiency. With the CSP Smart approach, easily select the instrument that best fits the situation, with confidence that any CSP probe is fully compatible with the RDS-32 and AVIOR-2 meters, and other contamination probes, ensuring seamless interchangeability without the need for recalibration.

Featured CSP Products

Mirion CSP probes offer smart communication across a range of sizes and applications.


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